Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Truely Seeing, Truely Listening

When you look at someone, are you truely seeing them? For who they really are, not just who they appear to be on the outside.
When you hear a friend talking, do you really listen? I mean truely listen to their problems so that you might be able to help rather than tuning them out.
I have seen so many people get passed by in the halls that are silently screaming out for someone to help them. Yet everyone is too self consumed to stop and even say hi. Sadly i have also been one of those people that walks right by without even cracking a smile.
You want your friends to listen to you when you talk right? if you have a problem or even just have some good news or just wanna talk you hope that they would listen to you. So why dont you listen to them. Why is it so easy for us to think about ourselves and what we have to say. Why is it so easy for us to totally disregard what our friends really have to say? And when they do say things, why do we dwell on all the negatives they have to say? Why dont we look past the negative things they have said or done and try to see them for who they really are.
When you look at your friends at school, do you see just their apperance? Or do you see deeper? Just cause someone dresses a certain way doesnt mean that you have the right to critisize them. Especially your friends, you shouldnt judge them purely on their apperance, i mean you are friends, i would hope that no one judges their friends.
Everyone makes mistakes, everyone says things they dont mean, so will you be the person that finally accepts the fact that no one is perfect and forgive those that have harmed you and move on? There is no need to dwell on things in the past, we are all God's children and Jesus gave his LIFE for us. Something we obviously didnt and dont deserve. So why cant we look past these little imperfections that we all have and accept eachother for who we really are. When we look at our friends, and others as well, can we try and really SEE them? And when others are talking, can we make an effort to truely LISTEN? There could be something really truely important that they need to talk about. They could be going through something really tough and they just need a friend to listen.
Dont look at the imperfections that we all hold inside, look past those and straight to the heart of those around you. Im sure that you will find some truely amazing people right in front of you that you never saw because you were too busy thinking of yourself.
That girl in the hall that looks like she is scared to death, maybe try giving her a smile as you walk by. Or that boy in your lunch that always sits by himself, invite him to eat lunch with you and your friends. That friend that you know has been acting differently, maybe ask them about their lives and how they are. Who knows, maybe they need to talk to a good friend. When someone tells you something that they are embarrassed about, dont be shallow and make fun of them, hold them close and comfort them, tell them that its ok. No one is perfect.
We need to Truely SEE people for who they are, and Truely LISTEN to people when they speak.
How else will we be able to find those amazing peculiar treasures of this world?!

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