Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why Fragile Love, Fragile Life

I often have noticed that people throw the word "Love" around as if its nothing to them. They say "I Love You!" just to say it, and they dont really truely mean it. I have seen some relationships, whether it be between friends or boyfriend and girlfriend or family members, where they believe that they can throw that "Love" around because it is indestructable and it can never be broken. In reality, that Love is Fragile. I have seen Love broken, cracked, shattered into a million pieces, but yet even when that happens to someone, they continue to throw it around because that is all they have ever known. I want to say that Love, is not something to throw around, it is not something that is easily gained, it is not something easily fixed once it is broken. We need to stop throwing around the word "Love" as if its nothing to us. Love is so much more than many of us ever could imagine. I have only been in love once, and that is with my savior, Jesus Christ. I am here as an example to tell you that that Love that Christ has for us is greater than any kind of Love you can get from another person or thing or animal. That Love that Christ has will NEVER end, no matter what we do, no matter how many times we get hurt, no matter how many times we sin, no matter what those sins are, Christ is always there with open arms waiting for you to jump into them. I know for me, this Love is overwhelming, it is extrememly hard to comprehend. But the thought that Christ is always there for me and that he always loves me can get me through anything and everything that life throws at me. "I will never give you more than you can handle" that was what God promised us, and i hold firm to that promise.
Fragile Life, when i first think of fragile life i think of a newborn baby. So little, so innocent and so fragile. As that newborn baby grows up it makes mistakes, it lies to its parents, it hurts people it never meant to hurt, i does things that it may have never planned to do, and for some people...all those things feel to be too much. It saddens my heart to see that so many people and so many teens feel that there is no other way to deal with the events life throws at us than to take their own life. An old friend of mine thought that way and succeeded in taking her own life. No one knew exactly why she did it, or what led to her deciding that final step, but it makes me so sad to think that she felt that was her only choice. Life is so fragile, and most of us hardly even realize it. That decision she made to take her life she can never take back. One thought that can be planted into someones mind, along with the events happening after that that they have no control over, leads to them believing the lies that the devil has told them and they feel that there is no way out but to take their own life. Whenever you feel alone, go to God, whenever you feel as though u have no where else to go, go to God, whenever you think your life is falling apart and you dont know what to do, go to God. He is standing there with open arms and is willing to take you in every second of every day. Its your choice whether you accept his gift of salvation that he holds in the palm of his hand. He gave his life for us, he let people crucify him so that he could save the lives of the sinners (us) here on earth.
Love is Fragile, Life is Fragile